Join our campaign for positive relationships for children and young people in care and care leavers
Most of us have somebody we can turn to for practical and emotional support – family, friends, neighbours.
This is often not the case for children in care and those leaving care.
Those important relationships are often broken when they enter the care system. Many are separated from their siblings, have to change school, or move far away from family and friends. Children and young people can be left isolated and alone.
But there is hope.
We know that if positive caring relationships can be built and strengthened, then it increases the likelihood of care experienced young people thriving in adulthood.
Lifelong Links is an innovative approach, developed by Family Rights Group, working to make sure every child in care and every care leaver is connected to people who care about them – for life.
A trained coordinator works with children and young people to find and safely connect with relatives and others they want to reach out to. From brothers and sisters, to school friends, former foster carers to teachers, and even pets.
Research shows Lifelong Links leads to a stronger sense of identity for the child or young person, more stability in their living arrangements, better mental health, and more positive relationships they can rely on.
Will you join our call to Government to make Lifelong Links an offer to all children and young people in care and care leavers?
Use our campaign tool below to send a message to your elected representatives. Start by entering your postcode.